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Deuteronomy 18: Priests and Prophets.

Deuteronomy 18 is a chapter where Moses provides instructions about the roles of priests and prophets in guiding the Israelites. This chapter emphasizes the importance of these spiritual leaders and the necessity of following God’s guidance through them.

The context of Deuteronomy 18.

In Deuteronomy 18, Moses addresses the Israelites, outlining the responsibilities and provisions for priests and the criteria for true and false prophets. These instructions are crucial for ensuring that the Israelites have reliable spiritual guidance as they settle in the Promised Land.

Key themes in Deuteronomy 18.

  • Role of priests: Moses explains the duties and rights of the Levitical priests. They are to serve in the temple, offer sacrifices, and guide the people in spiritual matters. The Israelites are to provide for the priests through offerings and tithes.
  • Provision for priests: The chapter specifies that priests should receive portions of sacrifices and offerings. This provision ensures that they can devote themselves fully to their sacred duties without concern for their material needs.
  • True and false prophets: Moses warns the Israelites about false prophets and outlines the criteria for identifying true prophets. True prophets speak in God’s name and their predictions come true, while false prophets lead people astray.
  • God’s promise of a prophet: Moses foretells that God will raise up a prophet like him from among the Israelites. This prophet will speak God’s words, and the people are to listen to him.

Lessons from Deuteronomy 18.

  1. Respecting spiritual leaders: The chapter emphasizes the importance of respecting and providing for spiritual leaders. Priests and prophets play a crucial role in guiding the community in faith and obedience to God.
  2. Discerning true guidance: It is essential to discern between true and false prophets. True spiritual guidance aligns with God’s word and is confirmed by the fulfillment of prophecies.
  3. God’s provision: God provides for those who serve Him. The provisions for priests illustrate God’s care for those dedicated to spiritual service, ensuring they are supported by the community.
  4. Listening to God’s prophets: The promise of a prophet like Moses highlights the importance of listening to God’s chosen messengers. Prophets convey God’s will, and their guidance is vital for maintaining faithfulness.


Deuteronomy 18 provides essential instructions on the roles of priests and prophets, emphasizing their importance in guiding the Israelites. As we reflect on this chapter, we are reminded of the significance of respecting spiritual leaders, discerning true guidance, and listening to God’s prophets. By following these principles, we can ensure that our faith and obedience to God remain strong and steadfast.

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