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1 Samuel 16: The anointing of David.


1 Samuel Chapter 16 marks a significant moment in biblical history, as God directs the prophet Samuel to anoint David, the young shepherd boy, as the future king of Israel. This chapter not only highlights the importance of God’s selection process but also introduces David, the man who would later be known as a man after God’s own heart. The anointing of David sets the stage for the transition from Saul’s reign to the rise of Israel’s greatest king.

God rejects Saul and chooses David.

After Saul’s disobedience in the previous chapters, God instructs Samuel to stop mourning over Saul’s rejection and to go to Bethlehem to anoint a new king. God sends Samuel to the house of Jesse, where one of his sons has been chosen to be the next king. Samuel is hesitant, fearing Saul’s reaction, but God assures him and provides a plan.

When Samuel arrives in Bethlehem, Jesse presents his sons one by one, beginning with Eliab, the oldest. However, despite Eliab’s impressive appearance, God rejects him. God tells Samuel, “The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” After all of Jesse’s older sons are rejected, Samuel asks if there are any others. Jesse mentions his youngest son, David, who is out tending the sheep.

David’s anointing as King.

When David is brought before Samuel, God tells Samuel to anoint him. Samuel anoints David with oil, signifying that he is God’s chosen king. From that moment, the Spirit of the Lord comes powerfully upon David, setting him apart for his future role. This anointing is a private event, witnessed only by David’s family, but it is the beginning of a remarkable journey for David.

David’s anointing is significant because it shows that God’s choice of leadership is based on the heart, not on outward qualifications or appearances. Despite being the youngest and least likely candidate in the eyes of his family, David is chosen because of his heart for God.

Saul’s troubled spirit and David’s introduction to the court.

Following David’s anointing, the Spirit of the Lord departs from Saul, and he is tormented by an evil spirit. Saul’s servants suggest finding someone to play the harp to soothe him, and David, known for his musical skills, is recommended. David enters Saul’s service as a musician and armor-bearer, unknowingly beginning his journey toward the throne.

David’s introduction to Saul’s court further demonstrates God’s providence in placing David in a position where he would eventually rise to prominence.

Key lessons from 1 Samuel chapter 16.

  1. God looks at the heart: The selection of David reminds us that God values the heart above outward appearances or qualifications. God’s choice of leaders is based on their inner character and relationship with Him.
  2. Anointing and empowerment: David’s anointing by Samuel is accompanied by the empowering presence of the Spirit of the Lord, showing that God equips those He calls for His purposes.
  3. God’s providence in Every Step: David’s introduction to Saul’s court is part of God’s plan, showing that even small, seemingly insignificant events can play a role in fulfilling God’s larger purpose.


1 Samuel Chapter 16 introduces us to David, a humble shepherd chosen by God to become Israel’s future king. Through the anointing of David, we see that God looks at the heart and prepares His chosen ones for great tasks through His Spirit. As we reflect on this chapter, may we be reminded of the importance of cultivating a heart that seeks after God and trusting in His plan for our lives.

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